We spend 3-4 days away from the men of our lives, the children and everyone else around us...however lets be honest...I am spending the entire time that I am down there shopping for my kids most of the time.

When I am not busy shopping for my children I am running around like a 12 year old with my mother in law trying to get on all the rides that we can in the short amount of time that we are there. It really is a great time.

So the day that we arrived was a very long day for me because the night before was my birthday party and to say that there was a lack of sleep would be an over statement -- I was still intoxicated when I arrived at the airport, and spent the entire wait at the airport and the flight to California asleep. This didn't help all that much -- what would have really helped was a shower but we got to our hotel about 7 hours prior to being able to check in...I wanted to cry. But alas, I put on my big girl pants and headed on out to Disneyland for a day of fun.

=We started out at California Adventure and went to Screaming Mickey and Toy Story Mania...lines weren't all that bad so we decided to do them a couple of times. Screaming Mickey is defiantly one of my favorite rides there -- which says something because up until about a three years ago I HATED roller coasters. But I think that you can tell from the picture that I having a pretty good time.

After hitting up the boardwalk areas in California Adventure we went a did a little shopping, and then headed down to Cars Land. Cars land is defiantly gauged for children, fun for adults -- but in all of this entire new land that was build there were only 3 new rides!!! The Flying Tires, Maders something rather...and the Racers ride which was a ton of fun. However show me a ride that you can go tractor tipping in and I will show you a good time.
After we had all the fun that we could take we headed back to the room for some cleaning up and what not -- and then it was to Disneyland for us. Since all of the Christmas stuff was still up that meant that the Christmas parade was still happening and of course we had to go. We generally miss the holiday festivities but 1 or 2 days, but no not this year we were all about being there!
There were dancing trees, tin solders marching about, Mickey and Minnie ice skating -- every child's dream...yet all i could think of was "why are we standing here watching a parade when the lines are short right now -- lets get to some RIDES!" Oh and boy did we.
So my mother in law and I share a love for Big Thunder Mountain in the night time along with sitting in the last row -- it is a must. You get such a better ride of you are in the back row vs. anywhere else on that ride. It was a good think that we did because the next day they closed down a ton of the rides because they are going to be giving them a make over for the next year! Why are they toying with perfection?! Why are they messing with BTM?!

Out side of the park we did do a few other things. We hit an outlet mall where I got my 4th ear piercing! I love it -- it is at a strange spot on my ear, and with the little diamond that it has it is so cute! After that we headed to our favorite little eatery in Anaheim out side of the New Orleans Cafe -- We went to Joe's Crab Shack.
Not much else to say about Disneyland in general -- except I don't think that I will be going back next year...I find that while I love Disneyland, the magic is lost on me when I go each and every year. I am thinking that it is time for me to go somewhere new -- where you might ask?! I'm thinking New York or New Orleans! Who knows tho...
Till next time,
xoxo -- Meg
Here are some additional pictures from our trip!