More than a decade after getting married now and two children later I am still amazed when I realize that our marriage, kids & our daily life is just a crazy, wild & always funny ride...this is just my way of letting you in! :)
Monday, January 28, 2013
And The Bronze Medal Goes Too....
Over this last weekend Kouper, Ryan and I made the 30 minute drive to Gig Harbor, WA for the "Rumble in Gig Harbor". Kouper is proving to be a great little wrestler, however we still need some additional lessons -- but that is a post for another time -- this post of about his first success.
So for those of you who are not familiar with the process of going to a wrestling match I am going to go over a few things...first of all -- wrestling matches are not like those that you see at your local high school that last for a few hours in the evening...these wrestling matches are ALL day events...and can seem even longer when you have to travel great distances to get to them. Thankfully for us this weekends match was pretty local. We had to arrive at Peninsula High School at 0700 for weigh-ins meaning we had to leave our house that morning at 0615 to get there in time...not horrid, however after the three minutes that it takes for you to get weighted in, you then have a multiple hour wait. The tournament didn't start until 1000, however Kouper didn't actually wrestle until the 3rd round.
His first match today didn't start until 1130ish...he did really well and didn't get pinned...but he lost by not having as many points as the other person. Which was okay with me, I was proud of him for making it through all three rounds with out getting pinned...that was a first for him. I think it was a little extra special for him because he had a special visitor who happened to live close by that stopped by to support him and cheer him on. Uncle Scott didn't realize that he was wrestling until the third round and couldn't stay for the entire match -- but it still ment the world to Kouper that he came and supported him!
After goodbyes and photo ops with Uncle Scott (yes...mama is a tad of a camera pusher) Kouper was able to relax for a little while. I left to go get lunch because Ryan and I were not keen on the idea of eating cafeteria pizza...and I made it back just in time for his second match. He did amazing! Lacking a little when attempting to get control of his opponent on the mat, but amazing over all. He didn't get the pin but did win in the over all points after the three rounds were completed. HIS FIRST WIN AT A WRESTLING TOURNAMENT!!!! His third match went pretty much as the first one only he got pinned in the third round. He was a little bummed but came of the matt telling me exactly what he needed to do differently next time to not get pinned and/or get more take downs and points next time.
After all was said and done, Kouper won the bronze medal! When they put the medal around his next I slightly wanted to cry because I was so proud of him. Kouper has ADD and doesn't take loss all that well, however, for the first time in all of the different activities we have tried...Kouper isn't quitting or getting defeated when he loses. He sincerely wants to do better and tried harder each and every week. I have to put a huge thank you out there to every one who supports Kouper! I know that everyone can't be there when he wrestles nor can everyone travel long distances with everything they have going on in their lives -- but the support is overwhelming and loved. Till next time! -- xoxo Meg --
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