When we had Kouper I thought that someone had heard my worry, and answered what ever prayer I might have put out there -- I was afraid to be a mom to a little girl. I myself am not the most girly. Don't get me wrong I love fashion make up, shoes and most things girly...I myself am not the most girly tho. So I thought that it would be easier with a boy.
Kouper was easy...however I longed for a girl. Tutu's, dresses, watching my husband snuggle with a little lady. Well someone out there heard my want because on 11/11/2013 we were blessed with Makenzie "Mak" Palmer...and it has been more amazing that I could have ever imagined. ..Skipping forward a few years later...I have to share a moment that happened that made me fall in love with her all over again. We are getting vocal and copying everything mama, daddy and brother say. Frequent words from her include:
"Are you kidding me?
"I want chocho" (chocolate milk)
"My Butt!"
"Koup...Where are you?"
She has the cutest little attitude...and is a great over all baby, with just a little stubborn stuck in there...but the picture above is a great example of Makenzie. I had to run upstairs for 2 minutes to help Kouper with something, I left Mak watching "Ickey Moufe" (or to the rest of us Mickey Mouse)...I come back and she isn't on the couch...I look over in the Kitchen and she is standing there with her hand in the Peanut Butter Jar?!?!?!?! I look over and say "Mak, What are you doing?" (while I am making my way towards the package of Costco wipes because I assume we are going to need a few for this one) and she looks at me and says "Want some" and pulls out a glob. Now at this point I know I should be upset, but LOOK AT HER!!!! I had to get my camera. Lets just say that when all was said and done, that is now HER jar of Jif All Natural Peanut Butter...and it is being stored on a higher shelf.
That's all for now... xoxo Meg

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