Saturday, March 23, 2013

Random Quiet Days...Don't Know How I Feel About Them

Yesterday I had to drive up to Northgate to take a certification test for work, and rather than driving back home and then turning around and heading to Seattle again for a night out with friends I just stayed in Seattle.  I have to say that it was weird and I didn't quite know what to do with myself because I always have a baby with me or at least the husband...but I had no one, I was all alone in the big city!

After wondering around a bit I decided on lunch and a movie alone.  Wow, what a thrilling time.  I went to Johnny Rockets for lunch which was wonderful as always, and then to the movie theater to watch a movie alone for the first time in over a decade.  Silver Lining Playbook was awesome and would recommend to all.

Then off to hold a table at the Hard Rock...

I dont' know how I feel about quiet mommy days like that...I miss having the babies to make me laugh, the husband to hold my hand, the conversation over lunch about random topics...and honestly people watching in Seattle is more fun when Palmer is there.  I can see a trainwreck of a person coming from a mile away and it only takes a look for Palmer to know what I am thinking and vice versa.

I know that I should cherish the small moments away that I get because they are so few and far between, but even a 1/2 hour away makes me completely crave the family that I have to be around me!

Till Next Time -- XOXO,

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