Friday, February 8, 2013

Palmer -- (almost) 11 Years Married to Him...11 (MILLION) Things Learned

I would have laughed at you when I turned 17 if you told me that I was going to meet the man of my dreams less than a year later and be married to him within 1.5 years. generally surprises you like that.  I met Ryan, or Palmer as we all like to call him, when I started working at Outback Steakhouse in September 2001.  He was a cook and I was a hostess....a restaurant fairy tale in the making!!!  Our first date came after months of flirting and talking, and finally he took me to a Halloween party that someone at the restaurant was throwing.  We spent all night laughing and having a great time...and I knew from that moment that he was different, he was going to be a big part of my life...I just didn't realize how big.

Fast forward more than 12 years since our first date and almost 11 years married (we will hit that on June 22nd, 2013) and we are still going strong.  2 babies.  2 dogs.  2 carriers.  ...and honestly I don't know how we do it most days, but the man still gives me butterflies each time he kisses me.  NOW -- let me be very clear, this 12 years hasn't been all rainbows and glitter ..we have been through a lot, and at times wondered if we weren't going to make it because of the rough patches, but we always come back together...stronger.

So I decided, since many people don't take the time to always reflect on the ones that they love like they should, that I would take a moment and share the top 11 things that I have learned in the almost 11 years that we have been married.

1. In Hard Times He Is My Rock
Palmer is a very quiet-don't-show-my-feelings-do-things-for-myself kind of person.  He expect the same from me, he doesn't enjoy sitting around on dwelling over situations that can't be controlled, nor does he enjoy when I ask him to help me with stuff that he things I should just do myself.  However, when we have gone through two incredibly hard moments in our marriage (I will explain later) he never once questioned my needing him, asking him for help, or sitting around for hours crying and talking myself in circles.  While generally it annoys the piss out of me that he is how he is, it is moments like those that make me wonder if he is just storing it up for when I need it!

2. He Is An Incredible Father
Our children decided when they were going to enter this world they were going to do so in a very dramatic-give-my-parents-a-mental-break down kind of way.  Kouper's horrid entry in to this world I guess you could blame on me because I fell straight on my belly from about 5 stairs up.  The fall ruptured my placenta so that it was taking blood away from him but not giving him new blood.  After 1 day of watching him after my fall in the hospital, they did and emergency C-Section and he graced us 1 month early and not looking too hot.  Blood transfusions, respirators  incubators and many many tears entered out lives.  Endless hours at a hospital looking at him in a plastic box, wishing that I could hold him and love him was what days consisted of.  1 month later our wishing came true and he came home...then 6 years later Makenzie graced us with her presents.  No falls, no scared, the ideal picture of what a pregnancy should be...but what do you know, she wanted to be just like her brother! She aspirated fluid during the C-section and had to be ambulance to Tacoma Gens NICU wing.  She was a lot better off than Kouper was, but Mom and Dad were still in shock.  She came home 4 days later!!!!!  

Here we are 2 years after Makenzie, and we are doing amazing.  Kouper is wrestling trying to be just like his Daddy, and Mak is a total Daddy's girl.  Snuggles him, loves him, and over all makes him think that he needs to by more guns for the future because she has pouty lips and big brown eyes!  There is nothing that he wouldn't do for his kids to see them smile -- and in someways, I think that he appreciates them a little bit more because of everything that we have been through.
(Kouper and Ryan in Leavenworth Sledding - 2010)

3. Palmer + Video Games = Package Deal
While I am a total teckie and I love to have all of the newest and greatest toys, but I was never on that had any desire to sit down in front of a TV and play video games for hours.  Ryan does however.  I have known him to waste many of Saturdays sitting there shotting up people and fighting with 12 year olds over Call of Duty.  Guess I can't complain tho because I can spend an entire weekend watching Sex and the City.

4. He Keeps Me Grounded
I by nature am a very spontaneous person...I like to get in the car not sure where I am going and make an adventure out of it.  Ryan however likes to have a plan, like to know what the end game is, and honestly with kids...this a very reassuring.  While the spontaneous person is still in there and breaks free every now and then, I see myself taking on more of the planning rolls.  I learned from the best on that one.

5. Disneyland Is Not His Cup o Tea
There are many years where we go to Disneyland for a family vacation, and I have learned that my husband would rather go almost anywhere other than Disneyland.  He doesn't like the lines, the croweds nor does he enjoy the over priced everything after you walk in the gates of the park.  We have been working on finding different destination vacations to go on that way he doesn't have to suffer in the happiest place on earth.

6. He Is A Lover Of Beer
Now don't take that the wrong way.  When I say that he is a over of beer -- I do mean that he seaks out new and different beers.  To him beer is like a fine wine, should be savored and enjoyed slowly...not to rushed.  Over the past few years we have become regulars a different beer fests and different beer runs.  It is always enjoyable watching him examine the cups, read the discriptions and make his tasting selection from that.  You can see his mind working -- and it fascinates me because I do NOT enjoy beer in any way.  However, while he goes and tries, I love that he always comes back to his favorite...Guinness! Can't beat perfection in brewed motor oil, I guess! (See I don't get it at all!)
Portland International Beer Fest 2012

 7. He Isn't A Phone Talker nor Texter
As much as I would like to text and talk to my husband all day long, that isn't going to happen...nor has it happened since about the time we got engaged.  He is not known for a person that talks alot, opposed to myself.  I always tell people once you get to know him he is chatty as hell -- but that is limited.  LOL.  He is amazing and we have great conversations, and I have to tell you that I do wish at times that I had a husband that wanted to text all day and or call me multiple times a day to make me feel special - but then again maybe it is a blessing that he isn't like that because I might not get any work done if I was talking to him all day.

8. Ryan Does Not Like Asperagas...Period.
Not much more to say -- he hates the stuff, and slightly pouts when I cook it an make him eat it in order to set a good example for the kids.

9. Ryan Is A Biker At Heart
About a year ago we started hanging out with some amazing people that have since become like family to us, but they all ride motorcycles.  They are a part of a motorcycle group, and the VFW.  Ryan was interested in helping out and starting a new venture in his live on two wheels.  He bought a started motorcycle last April and never looked back.  He looks amazing on it -- however it was brilliant when he attempted to make a right turn on the bike after being on it for 3 minutes and he dropped it.  Gas everywhere, ego broken, and defeat in the air -- he didn't look back and is now going on long rides and loving feeling the wind in his hair!

10. Cleaning Is The Key To His Heart
As much as I hate it...the key to Ryan's heart is cleaning.  Not food, lovin, gifts...NOTHING! I do not enjoy the cleaning on a daily basis...I do not enjoy doing laundry, vacuuming, or anything else that falls under the category of cleaning.  Especially DUSTING...because I have allergy attacks.  But alas, when I feel like making him feel special and loved I break out the swifter sweeper and get business gone! 

11. Silence Isnt' Bad
I am not a fan of a quiet house all the time or sitting around with no conversation for long periods of time.  However, I have come to learn through many years that just sitting together and enjoying each other are some of the best times that we have together.  I love just bring around him...and it took many years of training on his part to make me realize that. 

No matter what happens or how many other things I could add to this list, the long and short of it is that I am married to an amazing man...who still yearly and daily manages to show me another layer to who he is.  I love that after more than a decade together we are still exploring and growing.  

Till next time,
xoxo - Meg

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Go Seahaaaww....wait Ravens...ohh Hell, Happy Superbowl

 Even though the Seahawks didn't make it to the Superbowl, that doesn't mean that Feb 3rd of this year wasn't meant for celebration and football fun.

The day started with a breakfast playdate and youtube watching session with the Dugans!!!!  Those are some of the best times that we spend together just watching random stuff on  
There was a lot of activity going on as there always is in the house when we get all of the children together -- as you can see from the picture above there was a lot of wonderful cereal eating happening, which then turned in to throwing cereal at the dog.  Coco was happy, she got a treat that she doesn't normally get! However, let me ask you -- can a dog have a sugar hi? LOL!

My favorite part of getting all the kids together is the craziness that comes from it.  You have Charlie growling like a dinosaur, Kouper hunting the dinosaur  and two little ladies bouncing between dinosaur hunting and caring for their babies who for some reason can't stay dressed?!?! Naked baby balls all over my house!  And then you have the adults who are listening to this mess, along with laughing so hard there are tears. I don't think you can ask for better friends than that -- because growling, naked baby dolls, and tears of laughter is the key to a fantastic friendship!!!!  (BTW Mer and Joe -- I'm protesting your moving already.)

After the laughing ended and the Dugans headed out, we were on our way to Gig Harbor for Superbowl with the Hagadorns!!  Always a good time, and bonus -- NO KIDS!  LOL, the children decided they wanted to hang out with my parents instead of going with us.  I think that I need to stop giving them the option of not coming with us so often because they are not coming with us more and more and I am really starting to miss them...but then you know I get home and my 2 year old and I have a conversations that makes me want to pull my hair out by the end of the day.
There was such amazing vibe in the air...grandparents, Palmer and I, and other friends that stopped by to make the day amazing -- not to mention the smell of WINGS in the air! BEST. PART. OF. SUPER. BOWL. PERIOD!!!!  I love chicken wings, they are a huge weakness for me -- they are just amazing.

Miranda decided to put the little lady in a dress and it is safe to say from the pictures that we took that she isn't a dress person quite yet.  I loved just sitting and holding a little person -- my babies are all too big to do that with and they don't like to snuggle with me any more...they are too busy wrestling with each other...and the dogs, despite my best efforts only like to snuggle with Palmer.  So I am left on the couch alone with my blanket and remote. 

While I had no true preference on who wont the game, I was secretly rooting for the Ravens because I despise the Niners.  The game was decent...the Raven's almost gave it up in the 2nd quarter...but hey I am used to that happening, after all I am Seahawks fan.  

Commercials -- ohh Superbowl Commercials.  I can't tell you how much I miss the commercials from when I was a kid.  They were always awesome and so creative.  You looked forward to the commercials.  But now that I am an adult, they are all kind of the same.  There is no magicalness about it.  So, really when all is said and done I was in it for the wings.

Till next time
xoxo - Meg

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Enter Kouper from Stage Right

Last Wednesday Kouper and the rest of the third grade classes from Silver Ridge Elementary were in a play that was about an orchestra family reunion   Kouper and his class were the woodwind family and Kouper was able to play the bassoon.  He did an amazing job.  Here is the video of singing from the play.

Love you buddy!!!

xoxo - Meg

Monday, February 4, 2013

Reinventing The Wheel...ummm...or Myself

So I have never been a person who is afraid of a challenge -- I can work hard, I can see the end game and I love the end result of success. However, lately there have been two challenges that I have had the harest time over coming.  The first challenge would be my work...and the second being my weight.

So lets dive in...might as well get work over with first; since it is after all the more boring of the two topics.   About a year ago I got a promotion from being a Helpdesk Administrator to being an Endpoint Support Specialists.  The job entails for me constantly round around the hospital and talk to our end users and Doctors...looking for technical issues, problems, and over all anything that has to do with IT.  Sounds easy enough...HOWEVER, when this position started I became a dumping ground for all who are wanting something done but not wanting to do it themselves.  So after about 8 months I got written up for the first time in my entire working career -- I'm not the girl who gets written up.  I am the person who works too much, makes her friends and family angry because I jump when I am needed, and over all the Type A worker that you would expect a workaholic to be.  So I have a hard time understanding that I am doing something wrong, when I am doing everything that I am being asked to do and more. after much frustration and a lot of thinking about situations, there is only one way to go...up...I refuse to fail.  I have "play the game" to be successful at what I am doing.  More on this subject later!

The other part of reinventing the wheel per say is the challenge to lose weight.  I have finally become motivated to work out and log my food and do all the things that I need to do to be successful, however, I hate that I am not getting the results that I want over night.

I did have some recent wins:
-I got below 270 for the first time in years
-I fit in to a size 20 Old Navy Jeans

YEY! This next 10 days my goal is to lose 10 more lbs and find more healthy cooking options that are easy and cost effective for us to do and for me to take for lunch.  I will report back.

So long story short -- last week things were just not going my way, but when reflecting I just have to put my boots back on and keep marching.  It is good that I have amazing friends to help along the way -- and an even more AMAZING husband!

Till next time y'all -- xoxo