Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Go Seahaaaww....wait Ravens...ohh Hell, Happy Superbowl

 Even though the Seahawks didn't make it to the Superbowl, that doesn't mean that Feb 3rd of this year wasn't meant for celebration and football fun.

The day started with a breakfast playdate and youtube watching session with the Dugans!!!!  Those are some of the best times that we spend together just watching random stuff on  
There was a lot of activity going on as there always is in the house when we get all of the children together -- as you can see from the picture above there was a lot of wonderful cereal eating happening, which then turned in to throwing cereal at the dog.  Coco was happy, she got a treat that she doesn't normally get! However, let me ask you -- can a dog have a sugar hi? LOL!

My favorite part of getting all the kids together is the craziness that comes from it.  You have Charlie growling like a dinosaur, Kouper hunting the dinosaur  and two little ladies bouncing between dinosaur hunting and caring for their babies who for some reason can't stay dressed?!?! Naked baby balls all over my house!  And then you have the adults who are listening to this mess, along with laughing so hard there are tears. I don't think you can ask for better friends than that -- because growling, naked baby dolls, and tears of laughter is the key to a fantastic friendship!!!!  (BTW Mer and Joe -- I'm protesting your moving already.)

After the laughing ended and the Dugans headed out, we were on our way to Gig Harbor for Superbowl with the Hagadorns!!  Always a good time, and bonus -- NO KIDS!  LOL, the children decided they wanted to hang out with my parents instead of going with us.  I think that I need to stop giving them the option of not coming with us so often because they are not coming with us more and more and I am really starting to miss them...but then you know I get home and my 2 year old and I have a conversations that makes me want to pull my hair out by the end of the day.
There was such amazing vibe in the air...grandparents, Palmer and I, and other friends that stopped by to make the day amazing -- not to mention the smell of WINGS in the air! BEST. PART. OF. SUPER. BOWL. PERIOD!!!!  I love chicken wings, they are a huge weakness for me -- they are just amazing.

Miranda decided to put the little lady in a dress and it is safe to say from the pictures that we took that she isn't a dress person quite yet.  I loved just sitting and holding a little person -- my babies are all too big to do that with and they don't like to snuggle with me any more...they are too busy wrestling with each other...and the dogs, despite my best efforts only like to snuggle with Palmer.  So I am left on the couch alone with my blanket and remote. 

While I had no true preference on who wont the game, I was secretly rooting for the Ravens because I despise the Niners.  The game was decent...the Raven's almost gave it up in the 2nd quarter...but hey I am used to that happening, after all I am Seahawks fan.  

Commercials -- ohh Superbowl Commercials.  I can't tell you how much I miss the commercials from when I was a kid.  They were always awesome and so creative.  You looked forward to the commercials.  But now that I am an adult, they are all kind of the same.  There is no magicalness about it.  So, really when all is said and done I was in it for the wings.

Till next time
xoxo - Meg

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