Monday, February 4, 2013

Reinventing The Wheel...ummm...or Myself

So I have never been a person who is afraid of a challenge -- I can work hard, I can see the end game and I love the end result of success. However, lately there have been two challenges that I have had the harest time over coming.  The first challenge would be my work...and the second being my weight.

So lets dive in...might as well get work over with first; since it is after all the more boring of the two topics.   About a year ago I got a promotion from being a Helpdesk Administrator to being an Endpoint Support Specialists.  The job entails for me constantly round around the hospital and talk to our end users and Doctors...looking for technical issues, problems, and over all anything that has to do with IT.  Sounds easy enough...HOWEVER, when this position started I became a dumping ground for all who are wanting something done but not wanting to do it themselves.  So after about 8 months I got written up for the first time in my entire working career -- I'm not the girl who gets written up.  I am the person who works too much, makes her friends and family angry because I jump when I am needed, and over all the Type A worker that you would expect a workaholic to be.  So I have a hard time understanding that I am doing something wrong, when I am doing everything that I am being asked to do and more. after much frustration and a lot of thinking about situations, there is only one way to go...up...I refuse to fail.  I have "play the game" to be successful at what I am doing.  More on this subject later!

The other part of reinventing the wheel per say is the challenge to lose weight.  I have finally become motivated to work out and log my food and do all the things that I need to do to be successful, however, I hate that I am not getting the results that I want over night.

I did have some recent wins:
-I got below 270 for the first time in years
-I fit in to a size 20 Old Navy Jeans

YEY! This next 10 days my goal is to lose 10 more lbs and find more healthy cooking options that are easy and cost effective for us to do and for me to take for lunch.  I will report back.

So long story short -- last week things were just not going my way, but when reflecting I just have to put my boots back on and keep marching.  It is good that I have amazing friends to help along the way -- and an even more AMAZING husband!

Till next time y'all -- xoxo

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